Customer Service
Great customer service is what makes dealing with a local phone company so appealing to so many people. We make every effort to insure that your telephone and Internet service is stable and reliable. When trouble appears, we are just a phone call away.
Quite often we will be asked the same questions about of different services that are available or about some of the small problems that pop up with the Internet. Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions that you can use as the first line of support. If you don’t find what you need here, give us a call at 528-7236. We are happy to help.
Learning about many of the features of the Internet is easier with our Video Technical Support series. Here we explain how to get started with our service and setting up and using our equipment and applications.
Answers to the most common questions about Gtelco’s telephone services. Find answers to questions about calling features, billing, long distance choices and much more…
Puzzeled about the Internet? Here are a few answers to some common questions about email, virus protection, adult content filtering and several others. A good place to start. more…
Answers to some specific questions about DSL service from LightBurst Broadband. We can help you find what speed is right for you and answer a few other things. more…